critical material

英 [ˈkrɪtɪkl məˈtɪəriəl] 美 [ˈkrɪtɪkl məˈtɪriəl]




  1. In response, FAO helped the Government set up Input Trade Fairs to furnish critical planting material to farmers in need.
  2. Those works evoked the beauty of the materials, but more importantly expressed the artist's critical attitude towards the material world.
  3. Effect of Condition Parameters of Gas Drilling on Critical Flow Rate of Material Discharge
  4. This creates what is known as a critical mass of nuclear material, which releases its energy instantaneously as atoms inside it split in an uncontrolled chain reaction.
  5. This in turn will depend on various factors such as the critical nature of the raw material, its function in the process, the stage of the synthesis, etc.
  6. Strategic and critical material stockpiling act;
  7. Attending lectures will be particularly important, because much of the critical material will be presented only in lectures.
  8. Records should be maintained of these conditions if they are critical for the maintenance of material characteristics.
  9. In view of this fact, a renormalization group model Of weak surfaces in combination with mechanical analysis is used to understand the physical mechanism underlying the coalescence of microcracks to critical failure of the material.
  10. The Critical Temperature Of Superconducting Material YBa_2 Cu_3O_7
  11. Results indicate that copper impregnated graphite has good thermal shock resistance, which solves the critical technique of throat liner material used in high performance tactical missile and space vehicles with high pressure, high flow rate SRM.
  12. In the same drying rate, the critical moisture content of material is lower in superheated steam drying than that in heated air drying.
  13. The resistance at reference temperature, its temperature coefficient, and the critical temperature of the material that the operating range of the sensor depended on have been obtained.
  14. The concept of critical length is from composite material, it is the basis of prediction of fabric strength.
  15. Therefore, Grade ⅰ fly ash is the critical functional material to prepare high performance concrete applied in the second stage works of Three Gorges Project.
  16. Calculation for the critical velocity of coarse material slurry transported VAI pipelines
  17. The paper provides guidelines for automotive ecological design and environmental performance assessment by emphasizing the critical roles of material prohibition and restriction in the automotive ecological design.
  18. The results showed that the hole had a great impact on the rigidity of aluminium alloy plate, and there was a critical length of composite material patch.
  19. When the maximum real stress at the hole edge exceeds this critical value, the material at the hole edge will yield again, otherwise, when the maximum real stress is lower than this critical value, the residual strain field near the hole will be stable.
  20. The machinery design in engineering of external pressed vessels is based on the mathematical model of critical press and metallic material's stress-strain(σ-ε) characteristic curves together with the nomography.
  21. This article has expatiated that the working stress of the material will change with the wall thickness when the design thickness is at critical value of the material thickness.
  22. In addition, the critical surface tension of PU material showed that the PU developed has good biocompatibility.
  23. Material handling equipment selection is critical for the design of Material Handling System ( MHS).
  24. Erosion kinetic energy critical models of hard-brittle material for radial/ median and lateral cracks in erosion process are established. Concepts of fracture erosion resistance Rce and fracture erosion machinable number M are proposed in the present work.
  25. Temperature is a critical process parameter in the material properties of measurement process.
  26. Because of its high water reducing ratio, small admixture and well restraint of slump loss, PCE has become one of critical material that be used for manufacturing HPC. The consumption of PCE in construction engineering presents rapid growth trend.
  27. β-glucan is one of the crucial materials, which can affect the production of beer and quality of beer, and DMS is another critical material that determines the flavor of beer.
  28. The algae are most important not only as primary producers but the resources givers in the marine ecosystem. They play a critical part in material cycling and emery flowing.
  29. Single crystal silicon is a critical infrared material, which has been employed in the optical systems increasingly because of its unique optical properties.